SFU Robot Soccer

Build a legacy and tradition of extracurricular innovation and engineering engagement

SFU’s first Robot Soccer club aims to combine the excitement of soccer with the future of automated technology as we compete in RoboCup Soccer competitions. Our team encourages students from all programs to come together and learn concepts that are not taught in class and get hands-on experience with robotics, artificial intelligence, and teamwork. Having existed for thirteen months, we are a well-established club within the SFU Engineering and Computing Science communities and have many active members in both faculties. Divided into three teams, Mechanics, Software, and Electronics, we have a spot suited for every kind of Applied Science student. Our Mechanics and Electronics teams are primarily populated by Engineering students, while our Software team is mostly Computing Science students. Furthermore, we have a diverse spread of ages and experience represented in our club; ranging from first year engineering to latter-year computer science.

Meet our team and find out more about us.

Jordan Lei
Vice-President of Finance

George Lertzman Lepofsky
Vice-President of Adminstration

Linkedin e-mail: gmlertzm@sfu.ca

Amitis Haghdadi
Vice-President of Communication

Linkedin e-mail: ahaghdad@sfu.ca

Areas of Practice

Software, lead by Dylan Reviczky

We need people to help program the robots to play soccer as well as the artificial intelligence! Software team's goal is to develop tactics and be able to design a game play for the team. The central computer will be running the code and sending the required information to the robots wirelessly.

Electronics and Firmware, lead by Arvin Amini

From PCB design to firmware programming, there's a diverse need of talent in this section! Not only we have to design and populate our own PCBs, we need to program the microcontroller and give the robot understanding of how to use the motors, sensors, and the wireless communication.

Mechanics, lead by Jordan Lei

Using 3D CAD software such as SolidWorks to design the physical robots and have fun constructing everything once we finish! Mechanics team is going to design the chassis, kicker, dribbler, and put everything together. It will be exciting to see how things works together.

Our Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Altium image SolidWorks image

Silver Sponsors

FAS image

Bronze Sponsors

SFSS image E  image

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Sponsorship Packages

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Use the form below to contact us regarding your enquiry. For sponsorship requests refer to the sponsors tab in the header.

To join our club use the join us tab in the header. Follow the directions in the SFSS website as you will be redirected to their portal.

Made by Khizr Ali Pardhan