Easly download a video (lecture) for offline viewing, from*

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Easily download a video (lecture) for offline viewing, from*


javascript:const file=window.location.pathname.split("/")[3];fetch("",{credentials:"include",headers:{"User-Agent":window.navigator.userAgent,Accept:"application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01","Accept-Language":"en-US,en;q=0.5","Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","X-Requested-With":"XMLHttpRequest"},referrer:window.location.toString(),body:JSON.stringify({getPlayerOptionsRequest:{ResourceId:file,QueryString:"",UseScreenReader:false,UrlReferrer:""}}),method:"POST",mode:"cors"}).then(response=>response.json()).then(function(data){for(const stream of data["d"]["Presentation"]["Streams"]){for(const url of stream["VideoUrls"]){if(url["MimeType"]!=null&&url["MimeType"].includes("x-mpegurl"))continue;if(url["Location"]!=null){["Location"]);return}}}alert("Unable to find video URL.")}).catch(error=>{alert("Unable to find the video URL due to error.")});


  1. Copy the Bookmarklet
  2. In your browser create a bookmark to the current page. Doen’t matter what said page is.
  3. Edit the said bookmark’s URL property/attribute, paste in the contents of the bookmarklet. 📌
    • Replacing the original URL. CTRL + d, More.., Pasting in the Bookmarklet
  4. Go to the lecture, click the title to view at the webpage that has the URL*, rather than*/modules/items/*. Note: if there is no title, the should be a button on the bottom right for a pop-up. Looks like a little box with a arrow pointing top-right
  5. Click the Bookmarklet
    • Be sure to allow popups
  6. On the new tab, right-click, save-as, … 🤯
  7. [optional] run something akin to for i in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -vcodec libx265 -crf 30 "$i_compressed.mp4"; done to use ffmpeg to compress for long term storage. See the docs for -crf 30. see this site Enjoy 😇

Click here:

Or the pop-out button on the bottom-right corner

You go to the site and click the Bookmarklet

then,right-click, save-as, …